Perth and Perthshire RSCDS Committee 2024/25
- Chairman: Christopher Smith
- Vice Chairman:
- Secretary: Rod Purcell
- Treasurer: Allana Creighton
- Members: Betty Blair, Judith Borup, Betty Bott, Tessa McNaught, Lucy Garthwaite , Wanda Rodger
- Membership Secretary: Janice MacDonald
- Website/Instagram/Facebook Manager: Christopher Smith/Tess McNaught
- Highland Gateway Editor: Rod Purcell

Branch Chair : Christopher Smith
24/25 Branch Committee: (Left to right) Allana Creighton (Treasurer), Wanda Rodger, Lucy Garthwaite, Judith Borup, Janice Macdonald (Membership Secretary), Betty Bott, Rod Purcell (Secretary) Missing: Betty Blair/Tessa McNaught)

Perth and Perthshire RSCDS Branch Documents
- P&P Health & Safety Risk Assessment V2 Aug 2021
- Perth-RSCDS-Nomination-Form-for-Branch-Awards
- Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy and Practice Guidelines for RSCDS Branches and Affiliated Groups
- RSCDS Perth and Perthshire Branch Constitution Sept 2019
Highland Gateway
The Highland Gateway (HG) is the branch newsletter which is sent to all members and includes useful information about the Branch. Links to the HG are below;
Beneath are links to copies to some previous editions of Highland Gateway (Other editions are available through the RSCDS Archive);
Bell’s Sports Injury Clinic
Due to the closure of the Bell’s Arena the above clinic has now permanently closed.
The Jane Rattray Memorial Fund
Jane Rattray was a much admired former Chair and Youth Co-ordinator of the Branch. She was also a well respected and liked teacher and dancer. Her premature passing in 2024 was met with much sadness. In memory of Jane, and with the agreement of her family, the Branch has created a memorial fund in her honour. The fund will be mainly used to support young dancers and those who wish to become, or are already, a teacher. Both areas dear to Jane. The links below detail the criteria for those who wish to request funding along with the form which will require to be submitted.
Details about the fund, how to donate to it and how to request funding, are in the link below;
Details on how to request funding are detailed in the link below;
Branch AGM: 3th September 2024
The 90th Annual General Meeting of the RSCDS Perth and Perthshire Branch was held at the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute, Scone on Tuesday 3th September 2024 at 7.00pm. All AGM paperwork was sent out to Branch Members, with the AGM Calling Notice and Nominations Letter. After the AGM there was a dance competition to dance the dances which had been submitted to celebrate the Branch centenary. June Templeman agreed to teach the 5 dances submitted and Mo Rutherford was the musician. Branch members will then be able to vote on the dance which they feel should be chosen to become the Perth and Perthshire Centenary Reel Jig/Medley/Reel/Strathspey celebrating the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Branch in 1925. More details in the Events/Classes/Dances page. Any questions re the AGM please contact the Secretary on
The links below are for the 2024 AGM papers:
Book Of Perth Dances On Sale. There is an accompanying CD for this book.
Our branch has published a book of dances which have connections with Perth and Perthshire, either relating to the area or written for or by dancers within this area. Members were asked to submit dances for consideration and the working group selected the dances for publication. From 42 dances submitted, 12 were selected and Margaret Breckenridge won the competition to design the front cover of the book which is on sale for £2. The CD with James Coutts Scottish Country Dance Band to accompany the book, is available for £8. The book and CD can be bought together for £8. If you would like a copy – please contact us via the website.
New Book Now On Sale: Dances from our ‘Devise a Dance Competition – Perth and Perthshire 95th Anniversary’.
A book of dances containing all 16 of the dances submitted for the Branch’s 95th Anniversary dance competition is now on sale for £2.50 plus postage. There is no accompanying CD.If you would like to buy a copy/copies of the book then please contact the Branch either via the ‘Contact’ page on the website or through the Branch email address: Creighton is co ordinating the sale of these books and those who know Allana may contact her directly.